Are turmeric capsules a good selection for dietary supplementation? That depends on the supplement. Researchers have found that taking a 2000mg single-ingredient tablet results in undetectable levels in the bloodstream. In other words, the nutrient is poorly absorbed.
There is a explication for that problem, but most supplement manufacturers don't bother with it. They rely on the consumer's little data to sell their products. Many people have heard about the condition benefits of turmeric and the curcumin found within it, because it has been all over the news.
Read This Before You Waste Your Money on Turmeric Capsules
But, most news reports focus on what the reporter feels is "newsworthy". If they tell their audience about all of the condition benefits, but then turn colse to and say the nutrient is poorly absorbed, they feel they would spoil the story. The reporter's role is not genuinely one of buyer education, but of attracting viewers or readers.
Before you buy turmeric capsules or any other nutritional supplement, you need to do your own research, if you want something safe and effective. If you're like most people, you want to enhance your health, not waste your money.
In order to insure that curcumin reaches the bloodstream, it must be protected from gastric acid in the stomach. A tablet with an enteric coating is the right mode of delivery for this supplement. In addition, when combined with piperine, an element found in black pepper, curcumin absorption is enhanced by some 2000%. So, the most effective supplement is one that includes both piperine and curcumin, wrapped up in an enteric coating.
As far as security goes, no adverse reactions have been seen in humans, after a particular dose, other than mild nausea and diarrhea. Those side effects occurred at doses exceeding 2000mg. In animals, researchers have seen hair loss and dangerously low blood pressure. Some researchers are concerned, because antioxidants can sometimes have "pro-oxidant" activity. For these reasons, high dose turmeric capsules are not recommended.
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