Friday, December 19, 2014

How to Thicken Aged Paper Thin Skin - Natural Anti Aging Lotion

Hair Thinning Lotion - How to Thicken Aged Paper Thin Skin - Natural Anti Aging Lotion

As you get older the thickness of your skin is reduced and you may get aged paper thin skin. This is because the natural growth of collagen and elastin is reduced as you get older, and to reverse this you'll need to get the growth going again.

The reduced production of collagen and elastin is caused by the aging process itself, but also because of nutritional deficiencies. There are several things that you can do to boost that growth up again.

How to Thicken Aged Paper Thin Skin - Natural Anti Aging Lotion

1. You can make sure your skin has all the nutrients it needs by eating a healthy whole foods diet and supplement with natural multi nutrients.

How to Thicken Aged Paper Thin Skin - Natural Anti Aging Lotion

2. Avoid things that reduce the nutrient-absorption like smoking, stress, and excessive alcohol intake. All of those things make your skin age faster.

3. Use a natural anti aging lotion that has ingredients proven to growth the growth of collagen and elastin.

So, how do you find an anti aging lotion that easily works to thicken aged paper thin skin? Look for ingredients like Cynergy Tk, Active Manuka Honey and Nano-Lipobelle H-Eq10. These have been proven in studies with real citizen to growth the growth of collagen and elastin, development their skin younger-looking, healthier and thicker.


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